First off, I had to copy and paste my records request because it wouldnt let me save it so I couldnt attach it to my blog post.

Nov 28 2017

Washington State Office of Financial Management

Insurance Building, Suite 300 P.O. Box 43113

Olympia, WA 98504-3113

Dear Nathan Sherrard, Public Records Officer Washington State Office of Financial Management ,

Pursuant to the state open records law Wash. Rev. Code Secs. 42.56.001 to 42.56.904, I write to request access to and a copy of The Business License of Cougar Entertainment Center, this may be a government record. I know this place was recently opened in the last 10 years or so. I think two males run the business but I do not know their names. I am interviewing one of them later today. If your agency does not maintain these public records, please let me know who does and include the proper custodian’s name and address.

I agree to pay any reasonable copying and postage fees of not more than $10. If the cost would be greater than this amount, please notify me. Please provide a receipt indicating the charges for each document.

As provided by the open records law, I will expect your response within five (5) business days. See Wash. Rev. Code Sec. 42.56.520.

If you choose to deny this request, please provide a written explanation for the denial including a reference to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely. Also, please provide all segregable portions of otherwise exempt material.

I would note that violation of the open records law can result in a fine — payable to me — of up to $100 for each day that I am denied access. Litigation costs, including reasonable attorney fees, may also be awarded. See Wash. Rev. Code Sec. 42.56.550(4).

Thank you for your assistance.


Tyler Shuey

1365 NE Brandi Way Churchill Down apt # MTH4 Journalism student at Washington State University


My Pitch:

Upon thinking about my final story ideas, I wanted to do a business profile for a place that offers some sort of entertainment. Naturally, that borught me to Cougar Entertainment Center. This business was recently opened about 10 years ago or so by two male WSU graduates. They offer laser-tag and mini golf while also serving up birthday parties. They also serve food, drinks and beer. I want to find out how this idea came about to them as college students and what steps they took to complete this. I want to know what sort of business they get and if its consistent. I want to know if there is any other places like them in the region and how they market themselves for business. I want to see where they are financially and how sustainable this business might be and how long they foresee this place being around. Lastly, I want to find out what inspires them to do this. I interviewed all three of the owners today. It wouldnt let me attach the audio file of the interview but I can let you see it in class or email it to you.


Quincy Roberts- owner (already interviewed)

CJ Roberts-owner (married to Quincy) already interviewed

Alex Woytovech- owner (brother of CJ) already interviewed

Garret Williams- former GM of Cougar Entertainment Center (509) 952 0656 (still need to interview)

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