2 Possible Beat Ideas

My beat is arts and entertainment for this semester in the local area.


This is a story about the WSU Museum of Art interim director appointed to Washington State Art’s Commission. A possible source is Anna Maria-Shannon, the artist herself.


This is a story about the city of Moscow and the Moscow Arts Commission seeking vinyl wrap designs for traffic boxes from different counties and tribes in the area. Possible sourcing could be the city of Moscow or the Moscow Arts Commission.

2 story Ideas

The Science Behind Star Trek- Explore realities and unreality of space travel and technology in the Star Theater of the WSU Planetarium. Possible Source is a WSU astronomer or someone in Sloan Hall.

The Horace Alexander Young Quartet- 21st century musician who plays saxophone and sings. He’s been in the music business for 30 years and hopes to leave a mark on instrumental and vocal jazz. He performs at Rico’s Friday at 7 p.m. Possible Sourcing could be Horace Alexander himself or someone in the band or at Rico’s who is familiar with his music or style of music.

Didion’s “Serman in the Suicide”

Didion’s “Sermon in the Suicicde” really made me rethink journlaism as a whole. Yes, we as journalists do everything we can to stay objective, but is complete objectivity even possible besides factual information that is clear and concrete. We all see out of our own lens and it is just human nature for all of us to see things slighlty different based on how we were raised and what our core values are.

Yes, our President is an absolute moron who is addicted to publicity and someone who I will never support. But I may have realized something about journalism in his continual rants about the “crooked media”. No, the media is not crooked, but its important to realize that everyone has a side and see’s things differently. Didion put that into perspective with this piece and I’m glad I saw the other side of the issue.