Wrap-Up Blog Post

To start off this goodbye post, I must say it has been a privilege taking this class and learning the essential skills necessary in an always changing technological world. This class has provided me with opportunities to work with programs that in the Communication field, are vital to know. The more programs you know, the more likely a company will have a use for you somewhere. All of these Adobe programs also explored a different component to either video/audio editing or picture and logo design. You may not think all these programs are necessary for you but I guarantee most media pictures or videos use these exact software. Without these, everything that we see on TV and in the media is not possible. This component of communication is just as important as the journalism itself.

I guess I would say my favorite project over the semester was the Illustrator Unit. I am not really one for artistic ability but this unit really enhanced my design skills and my creativity I think jumped another level. I made my logo sensible and simple that made sense with my theme of me. My motto was “keep on keeping on” with 4 stars connected in a circle with each one getting a little bigger in size and its smile increasing each time. This symbolized that life has rugged paths but you got to push through them with positive reinforcement.

As far as this benefiting myself in the future, obviously I’m going to use most of them as things overlap in this market and when you start out you’re going to have to do some nitty gritty stuff in order to get publicity. I really want to be a newspaper columnist so maybe I’ll be working with an editor on pictures or video enhancement into my columns.

Once again I can’t thank everyone enough that went along with this class. I had fun completing the assignments and I wish everyone a successful future. Goodbye Com 210 Blog!!

Final Draft Video Story

To start my post of, I must say I actually got my video uploaded this time! I really don’t even know what I did to make it work this time, I just kept trying a couple times and eventually it ended up uploading. Maybe it had something to do with the way I exported it but never the less my video is up to be viewed.

In regard to the content of my video, as stated in the rough draft, it is a virtual tour of my apartment which goes along with the theme of myself. I guess it gives people a sense of how I like to live and how I spend my time at home. To get more in depth, in the video I contained 4 different clips of 4 different rooms in my apartment (living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom). These are the 4 main areas of my house where I spend the most time at. Generally in each clip, there is audio of me talking about each room and how it is unique and I move the camera to show all the notable things in the room in which I talk about them. Each clip approximately is about 30 seconds as the video in whole is 1:57. In between the clips, I made 4 labels with text that label each room that is about to be shown. At the very end I included text that credited me with making it. I varied how the text is presented withe crawl, roll and regular ones. I also included transitions between each clip. These were the few adjustments I made from last week along with actually uploading my video.

In essence, I had a lot of fun doing this assignment as I liked the freedom to create what we want in a montage sort of way and also relate to our theme as well.

Draft Story Board

Well to start off my blog post, I must say I had problems uploading to Vimeo for whatever reason. It said my video wasn’t large enough to upload. So instead I will send you an email Kyle of my video footage on Premier. I hope that will still count and that you understand the difficulties I had uploading. I will provide my storyboard at the bottom of this post.

Now lets talk about my draft! I basically just gave everyone a virtual tour of my apartment. I figured that would be a quick 1-2 min video story and I didn’t have to move very far to get it done. I montage d together 4 different clips (each a different room) and included transitions at the end of each to make it seem not so choppy and have a more natural flow to it. I used, my living room, kitchen, bathroom, and my bedroom and talked briefly about their importance to the apartment and how much I utilize them. In each different shot, I made sure to observe and show every important thing in each room. I used my phone to record and use these videos for Adobe Premier. I cut out a lot of extra footage that dragged on so I could fill the appropriate amount of 1-2 minutes. I think my apartment was a great topic for the overall theme of “me” because it shows how I like to live and the routines I have in my home. I think in every unit so far I have showed a different part or piece of who I am and how I like to do things. I look forward to everyone’s feedback as I know I can make a more improved final draft that can maybe more artistically enhance my video story. Thanks for reading everyone!

 Storyboard: Virtual Tour of my Apartment

Visual Elements Audio Elements
0:00-0:29  camera shot of my living room, you see my window, lamp, 12th man flag, etc. transition at the end Me describing my living room and how it is unique. I also note that this is my “escape” from the stress of college academics.
0:30-0:56  visual shot of the kitchen and its surroundings. A shot outside from sliding glass door, dishwasher, sink, fridge, table, trash can. Transition at the end. Me describing everything in the kitchen. I talk about how you must learn how to cook and have a budget for groceries.
0:57-1:21  shot of my bathroom along with the 2 sinks and mirror. Also a toilet and shower. Transition at the end. This one probably has the least amount of audio as it is a bathroom. Not much to explain that everybody doesn’t already know. Basically just described everything that was in the bathroom.
1:22-1:50 shot of my room, outside window, closet, dresser, TV, and laundry necessities. Described my room and why I set it up this way, talked about what I do in their, talked about how I study in their a lot.