Here is the link to my youtube video of classical music. It had a creative commons license:

Working with Audition is very neat because it allows you to use real footage based off raw emotion. Unlike the other Adobe software’s like Illustrator and Photoshop (although they do have their own strengths) Audition allows you to use strictly sound which is abstract to convey meaning and art. There are no sights to judge how artistic someone is or how good someone is at using the tools. In my brief under 1 minute “story”, I unveiled my love for classical music. As I played the bird chirping, morning awakening music on one track, I made another track with my voice narrating why I love classical music. I turned the volume down a bit on the music to enhance what I was saying in the narration. Also I think classical music is played best at a moderate volume. Part of my explanation for why I love classical music was it reduces stress and helps me get things done. I always listen to classical music whether it’d be Bach, Mozart or Beethoven when I study or do homework. It puts me in a special state of mind that really filters out the noise and allows me to solely focus on the task at hand. Classical music never allows you to get too high or low. It has great variation and really tells a story with its tone changes. Also I like that it doesn’t have lyrics because sometimes they can distract when trying to study. Just simple rhythm and melody is all that’s needed to clear the mind and accomplish something. You also don’t have to change the song too often either because often songs can be hours long so I let it play through. It is interesting to hear what can be inferred when listening to an hour long song, almost like a musical or movie. I look forward to my group’s criticism in order to make a more polished project next week. Thanks!

5 thoughts on “Audition Draft

  1. Hi Tyler! Your audio draft story was very well done. I really like that your story features music in the background. The classical music adds a nice touch behind your voice and is just loud enough so the listener can hear it, but not too loud, so it is distracting. I agree with you when you say audition allows you to convey meaning and art in an abstract way, I have never thought about it like that but after reading your blogpost, I agree completely. I often times listen to Mozart on Pandora when I study as well, it is peaceful and keeps we focused on my work. One suggestion I have for you is not talking about the link to your song on YouTube and the creative commons license. This distracts from your audio story and can easily be seen in your blogpost. Another suggestion I have for you is telling more of a story and explaining further about your love for music, perhaps including what inspired you to become interested in classical music. Keep up the good work!


  2. To comment on my own draft, I have not seen any replies yet to my project so I don’t have much criticism of others that I can take in at this moment. As far as my own criticism for myself though, I have plenty of ideas. After reviewing my group’s stories, it appealed to me that I should find someone to interview for next week’s final draft. There are many people I know here at WSU that I grew up with that could really relate well to the topic of “me”. Also adding soundbites at certain places is key to the story and to what is being said at that moment. Maybe next week I will use some of these instead of playing classical music the whole time in the background. I thought I did do a good job of narrowing it down to one thing that I really enjoy (classical music) and talking about that and that only.


  3. Hi Tyler, I love the classical music in the background of your audio story and how it connects to your theme; it adds a nice touch to your narrative to make it nice and relaxing to listen to. However, I think you should have the classical music go all the way through to the end of the audio story and then fade out. You also have a very clear voice throughout and the music does not distract to much from your narrative. However, maybe talk less about the project and links and more about stuff your audience does not know and would like to find about you and your topic. Talk more about yourself and how classical music is important to you. You could also interview someone on their favorite type of music, just a thought. Your audio story sounds great right now, just focus on your topic to intrigue the reader and the final version will be great!


  4. I like the way your audition draft starts off. I thought it was very cool to hear music playing in the background. Similar to what we were taught to do in the Adobe Audition tutorial. You should definitely keep the song that you chose, because it sort of went with the flow of your story. Classical music was also great for the background. I agree that classical music is a great genre to listen to while studying. It allows the mind to be at ease, and you can focus up more on the topic you are studying. I am same way, in that I like to listen to slow jams or love songs to slow the tempo down. Whenever I listen to a hip-hop song I start singing the lyrics, and it throws me way off topic. I think you can speak with a better tone, but that’s not to take away from your good start.


  5. I like the music that you chose for your audio story but I don’t think it is long enough. You should go more in depth with why you like classical music. There also isn’t really a topic that you chose to talk about you should come up with some sort of topic. Start with an introduction go into the topic and then an outro conclusion. What you have right now is a great conclusion. Maybe you could come up with a few questions on why you like classical music and then have someone ask you the questions and you could answer them at that could be your audio story. This is off to a good start just needs a little more to make it better.


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