
This draft logo was much more free and easy to me then Photoshop. In regard to logos, I feel as if you don’t have to try too hard to make it complicated because logos are made to be simple, yet logical to your subject. In my instance, my topic is myself and I always have thought self esteem is important to one’s self. I decided with this logo to create a group of star shapes to be the basis of my logo, but I also gave them faces and increased the size each time as if it is a child growing up and finding his happiness. My logo’s motto is “keep on keeping on” because that is ultimately what you have to do in life no matter the circumstances. There is always tomorrow! In regard to the design process, I kept it fairly simple as I am not an exert with all the tools in Illustrator. I made a yellow background with a red 3 pt. stroke to present a kind of warm feeling to the logo. I made the stars basically the same color but it appears a little more burnt because I adjusted the gradient to make the stars to appear faded out because they are people and people have stress. I also obviously used the brush tool and text tool to display the meaning of the logo.I also would group the objects together so when I was making adjustments it would make them to all of them because I wanted all of them to look similar. I did not use any sites for research as I thought I had a pretty good grasp on what I wanted to display with the meaning of my logo. In essence, I know it probably won’t be the best logo, but it has substance and meaning and that goes along way. I’m looking forward to your guy’s feedback and I hope to present a better logo next week for my final draft! Thank you!

3 thoughts on “Illustrator: Draft logo and summary

  1. Hi Tyler! I love your logo; it’s super uplifting and happy 🙂 I like the different colors you used to create a warm feeling and I also like the gradients used inside the stars to make them stand out. The red border is only missing from the top of logo which I do not know if you did this on purpose or not. The stars were a great idea and I love how they are getting bigger and happier each time. The spacing could be improved just a little bit to make it more symmetric and the faces on the stars could be tweaked just because they look a little bit hand drawn. I like your saying and the font fits very well. It might be hard to scale as it is so small so maybe increase the size a little bit? Overall, this looks great and almost finished! I’m sure it will look awesome once you finish it completely.


  2. After receiving feedback on my collage, I think I only need to make a few minor adjustments to really make it professional and detailed. I saw some well done and intriguing logos that gave me different perspectives on how I could have approached my logo. I think maybe I could try a different background color scheme that maybe contrasts well with the burnt yellow. I also could try and make a unique framing around the whole canvas as a good minor detail that will tie it all together. In terms of the subject matter and the meaning of my logo, I could try and come up with a better motto but honestly I think the logo fits the wording so well with the progressive smiles and the increasing size in star shapes. Hopefully this week I can make a few tweaks so I can display my best work yet in this class. Thank you all so much for your feedback!


  3. I think your logo looks amazing, and I love the stars and the quote. I like that you stuck with similar colors, and kept them bright colors took to make your picture stand out. I love that the stars have faces with emotion. Also that there are more than one star, and some are closer than others. You did a good job explaining each step you took to get your overall logo. That matches with your overall project. I think one thing to help your project would be to separate out your paragraph into more paragraphs, instead of one big one. It will make what you are sharing easier to read.. Lastly, if you had texture to your background photo it might help all the stars pop out more. Overall you have done a really great job. And you did a great job explaining your logo.


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