Narrative Collage: Final Draft

final draft photoshop collage

Narrative Collage: Final Draft Description

To reconstruct my final draft of my collage, I had to consider a lot of things. I have never been the best at art or web design but I understand I have to keep trying as I know many media mediums used today are mostly web based. After overlooking so many of the other great collages in my group, I decided to stick with my pictures (I will cite them at the end) but change the background and make things look a little cleaner and professional. I also used more Photoshop effects with the images I gathered to make the pictures capture the tone I’m trying to set with them. I received some incredible feedback that was needed for me to hear. Some was brutal and some was encouraging. After reflecting on the feedback, I knew I had to basically start from scratch and gain a new perspective. In the following paragraph I will detail my different adjustments and things I subtracted to make this collage worthy at the least.

One of the first things I did when I went back to my rough draft to fix that mess was to erase all the hand drawn things I put on there. In hindsight, I should’ve never done that because it was basically distracting and didn’t mesh well with the pictures. So after doing that, I knew I had to do something to the background to enhance the images as well. I thought a simple light based orange background would work well with the yellow text I used and not distract too much to the main components of the collage which are the images. Also my effects were much more diverse and n depth this time around. I changed the brightness on the golf course a lot so people could really see the beauty and color that it has. I also added more vibrancy to the New York City skyline to really exaggerate the “big city” and “nightlife” effect on your pathos. I made the shadows on the Grand Canyon darker to create more of a “purgatory” feel to it and to also help display the canyon next to it more. I also changed the color of the fairways on the golf course and messed with the hue/saturation as well.

All in all, I think I made my collage at least respectable for someone who doesn’t really mesh well with web design. I think I was ready for the challenge and I am eager to keep pushing myself with these different programs. My links for my 3 images will be posted below

Golf course photo-

New York City Skyline photo-

Grand Canyon photo-

Narrative Graphic Collage Post: Rough Draft

For my Narrative Graphic Collage, my topic was a common one among students; me! But the stories about each person will be very versatile in content. As far as my collage goes, I chose abstract things like beautiful landscapes and skylines that can also be looked at metaphorically in comparison to my life. I consider myself a very ambitious, aspiring, and philosophical person so images like these help me be the best person I can be. These style of pictures help me “think big” and analyze the outlook and plans I have in this world. I want to go above and beyond and discover new things not only for the public good, but to amuse me and my spacious imagination. In the following paragraphs I will detail each picture and how it corresponds to me, my life and most importantly how it ties to the other pictures.

The first picture located at the top of my collage is a picture of a golf course in Tacoma, Washington called Chambers Bay. This year it hosted the 2015 U.S. Open which I was lucky enough to see the final round of on Father’s Day. I witnessed a little bit of history as a (at the time) 21 year old named Jordan Spieth won his second consecutive major championship. The rugged landscape of Chambers Bay was tough to hike although the sites were just beautiful, The main reason I chose this picture above all else is because it represents a big landmark in my life that I have fulfilled so far. As you can see next to the photo, I labeled it “Where I’ve Been”.

My next photo is a pretty generic one of the New York City Skyline. Now I have never been to New York and don’t know much about the specifics of the area but this photo really represents my aspirations. This photo is labeled “Where I wanna be”. All my life I have grown up on the west coast and I am eager to see the other side of it. My dad grew up on the east coast and I always felt I have his personality and a way of talking like he does. I feel like I would mesh well with the east coast toughness and style that New Yorkers seem to have. Oh and I forgot to mention the endless dreams and aspirations that can be pursued their.

And finally my last picture is a photo of the Grand Canyon filled with fog. Now in this picture the fog is very puffy and almost looks like its above the clouds! This picture is probably the most metaphorical one I chose because it kind of represents heaven. I made this my last picture because it is where I want to end up when it is all said and done. Also in my collage I drew a rugged “line of life” that shows the path of my life. The line goes by each picture and ends at the Grand Canyon (heaven). photoshop collage