Hello world! My very first blog! Topic: Me!!

Is there a better way to start my first blog other than talking about myself? Of course there is. If it were up to me, I’d be writing about someone cool like Jack Bauer or Dave Matthews. But life is full of uncontrollable circumstances so I guess I shall share some unique characteristics and hobbies that I have. For a starting point, I guess I would narrow myself down to 3 personality traits: honest, passionate and loving. I am rarely afraid to share my views on controversial topics and I state my comments with intense passion and care for that topic. See how I tied all of them into one sentence!! Very clever isn’t it? I addressed my personality first because I think that is the basis of who someone really is. Secondly, I guess I will list some of my interesting hobbies. I love sports plain and simple. Both watching and playing sports amuses me greatly. My dreams and ambitions include one day writing for a newspaper or website as a sports columnist. I would love for someone to challenge me to some sort of sports trivia game if they wish to get the wrath!! I’m so terrifying right! I would be a horrible person to not mention my family as they are the ones who molded and created me (not my brother). My brother is one of my best friends. I swear we have the same freaky mind. We have similar interests and sometimes that can lead to egos butting heads. Nonetheless, I couldn’t have asked for a better sibling. My parents are my foundation of who I am and what I became to the age of 19 (my age currently). Both came from hardworking families (dad in Virginia, mom in Port Angeles, WA) that worked for everything they got up to this point. None have any sort of college degrees, but I consider my parents as more successful and smarter than some college graduates (its weird how some people end up with degrees). They have taught me that coasting in life is not an option and to never think that you can afford to settle when pursuing a career like I am. I am so appreciative of them and the role models they are and forever will be to me,